Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Splish! Splash!

Do I hear some baby-splashing fun?

Splish! Splash!

Thursday, March 4, 2010



Today Mommy thought she'd put us in one room so that we can play together...

Hmmm... baby K may have the hots for me..., but I'm so not there yet. Nope, no cool vibes here...

He's getting better at learning how to crawl though! Look at those legs!

And Mommy thought that his onesie looks really boyish cute matched with the dump truck toy. Cute right? I think so too...
But don't get any ideas that I like  him just yet...'cause I get the jitters when he tries to come close to me.
See me eyeing him closely when he tries to reach for me?

Okay, so we didn't really play together, but at least we were in the same room, and Mommy was being really nice trying to help us play together. As for me, the only thing on my mind...

...is just that door. I want out please. Please?

Baby on the Move

This week baby K is learning to crawl...

Daddy's predicting that he'll be crawling by the end of this week. Mommy thinks he'll be crawling by next week.

Great. Wonderful. I'm so looking forward to that. Not!

Mommy is letting him have more and more floor time. Thankfully, not so often in my space. He's been playing in his own room. Mommy just spreads his toys on the floor, and puts him on the floor. We like this arrangement better now that he is older and a bit more independent...
Although I'm not ever going to come over to him just yet, I am a teeny weeny bit more convinced that he could be a good playmate soon...as long as he lets me lead the game that is.

For now, we'll see when he actually crawls. Eeek! My days are numbered!