Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mommy Can't Blog

As you can see, my Mommy has not had time to channel me into writing in almost a year! She said between moving to a new place, traveling to amazing places, and having Baby K, who isn't a baby anymore!, running around wild just like a normal toddler should, has kept her veeeeeery busy and away from the computer to blog. Nevertheless, she said she'd try again. Afterall, it's important to remember the great doggy vs toddler days :) Here's to a better blogging year!!

Beach Dreams

Have you been on a tropical island vacation before?  I've never been either. The closest thing I've had was running on a Gulf Coast beach, and that was mighty fun for a doggy like me. But my Mommy says it's even more beautiful and amazing everyday on a tropical island beach. One day, she says we're going to have a place at the beach so I can run around free on the sand and play in the water and sniff the salty ocean air.  My Human family goes on beach trips a lot. That's because Grandpa scuba dives and so does everyone else. When my Mommy comes home, she always smells like the sun, and salty water. I can bet I've smelled some fish and crabs and all sorts of beach crawlies in her suitcase too. Smells amazing. I can't wait for the day we all move to the beach so I can go dig and chase after those. My Mommy's been to a few places, but she says the most beautiful place she's ever been to is Raja Ampat, in Papua Indonesia.  The Raja Ampat islands are a large bunch of islands off the west coast of Papua. It's a nature reserve, so the local government works really hard to conserve the marine life by not allowing people to fish there and things like that.  Eco-Friendly resorts are common in places famous for snorkeling and diving. Perhaps it's because of the nature of divers and travelers who are generally more eco-conscious.  At the place Mommy stayed at, there was a really long wooden jetty that goes out waaaay over the sea. Along the sides of the jetty were corals, hard and soft colorful corals with fish in rainbow colors in the water, with a bunch of bright turquoise starfish here and there.  When Grandpa goes scuba diving, Baby K goes on the boat with everybody. And he even gets to swim in the ocean, in between islands! Mommy got to go boat jumping, yeah, it's a new term she made. She said it's when you chase shoals of fish, jumping in and out of the boat trying to catch up with the fish.  She said there's nothing like being surrounded by a vast number of fish moving so swiftly in front of your very eyes. The glittering silver reflection of the sun's ray on the backs of the fish, and the speed at which they're moving is fascinating.  Mommy also swam with the mantas; being up close to them is a thrilling feeling. Amazing graceful creatures.  Mommy also went on countless of boat rides. She said she loves the salty ocean breeze blowing on her face and seeing the waves breaking on the side of the boat.  Being able to go on a tropical island vacation is truly amazing. My mommy said that if any of my doggy friends haven't been, then you should try at least once in your life.  I mean, look at these pictures! I would love to be at the beach again... I'm looking forward to the day my Human family moves to the beach. I can't wait to lay on the sand on my old doggy years, absorbing all that warm sunshine and smelling all the wonderful smells of the beach....